Everyone deserves a love story

Under Construction
I am working on launching my first book, but it is a long process- 2024 at the earliest!

Genvieve's Latest- Coming Soon
A retelling of Beauty and the Beast...
...except, this time, she is the beast
Regency England is not a friendly place for a young woman with a face badly marred. What happens when circumstances force her and the ton's most handsome bachelor to wed? Can a scarred woman leave the shadows of her beastly reputation? Can a gorgeous man look past appearances and be brave enough for both of them?
Find out.... in 'The Beastly Bride'
This is the exciting debut of Genevieve La Roux
Book One of the Reverse Fairy Tale Series

The Beastly Bride
Genevieve La Roux
Beast is in the eye of the beholder
Final cover to be determined
What is La Roux thinking?
Have you ever wondered what was going through the head of an author?
Well wonder no more! I am an open book (pun intended)
My blog has a variety of posts all about my thought processes
Reflections: how I felt about an aspect of my work
Inspiration Boards: fun summaries of what inspired me, with pictures!
Discussion: I hash out a topic I have been mulling over- your input desired!
Research Findings: writing takes a lot of research and sometimes you find something so good you need to share
Author Updates: what I have been working on
Loved it: recommendations of a book or other romance related media that I loved
Check out my latest post about how writing the character of Eloise was unexpectedly very emotional for me here